Character and Citizenship Education

To develop Theresian students to be persons
for God and for others through the promotion of truth, justice, freedom
and love.
To nurture Theresian students to be persons
for God and for others, guided by the core Theresian values of Compassion,
Conscience, Commitment and Courage.
Our Approach
Providing opportunities for character formation and good citizenship through a school-wide integrated Values Education programme comprising Pastoral Care, CCE, Career Guidance and National Education programmes.
Emphasising the Theresian core values in all our school programmes and activities.
Programmes includes:
Values Education Programme, a programme of formal lessons customized to school needs and aimed at achieving the MOE's Desirable Outcomes of Education, is targeted at developing the total person, who is independent and mature, and effective in relating with others. Built into the Values Education Programme is the National Education Programme which aims to develop responsible and engaged citizenship and reaching out to the disadvantaged through community service.
Values Inculcation Programme provides a platform for teachers to share their understanding of the Theresian core values with the school community.
Mission Direction Team lead the school community in the celebration of school key events, eg Patron's Day and continue the Catholic traditions in the spirit of truth, justice, freedom and love.
Pastoral Care Programme led by Heads of Level and carried out by Form Teachers and/or Co-Form Teachers to provide social and emotional support to ensure that the students have a positive and meaningful school experience and develop good relationships with one another.
Counselling services are provided by the Full-Time School Counsellor and Teacher Counsellors for students-at-risk as well as students who need special care and attention.
Clear Discipline framework, guidelines and processes help students in self-management and develop good discipline and relationships with others.
Career Guidance Programme includes visits to junior colleges, polytechnics and technical institutions as well as talks by representatives from these organizations to inform and raise career awareness of pupils regarding the benefits of various options available to them. Speakers from various professions are also invited to educate pupils about career opportunities.
Partnership Programme involves close collaboration and engagement with parents as partners in the development and nurturing of the students. Regular Parent-Teacher Conferences, Parents’ Info Sessions, Breakfast with Principal are various platforms for parental involvement. Parent Support Group and Singapore Family Education programmes include talks and workshops for parents to engage their support, enhance and build their capacities to nurture healthy bonds with their daughters.
The Theresian Heart and Rosebud Awards recognise exemplary behaviour and attitude as well as good academic progress throughout the year. Other prestigious school awards recognize graduating students who have done well in other areas pertaining to academic progress, sports and service to the school community throughout the school experience.
Head of Department CCE & Values Education
Amanda Tan (
Senior Teacher CCE & Values Education
Mrs Clara
Ang (