Physical Education and CCA

To provide a comprehensive 4 to 5-year long
Physical Education Programme to develop the physical, intellectual, social
and emotional aspects of all our students through physical activities.
Department Goals
We aim to:
Promote a healthy living and active lifestyle ‘Do it the Fun Way’
Teach physical and safety skills
Develop Self Confidence & Promote Creativity
Develop Leadership Skills
Encourage Teamwork and Sportsmanship
Develop a love of Fitness as a Sport
The department plans to provide a variety of pupil-centred instructional activities that equip individuals with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to enjoy and sustain a physically active and healthy lifestyle. This serves to complement other education areas in promoting educational outcomes that are less likely to be achieved in other subject areas.
Head of Department (Student Well-being and Management)
Leslie Francis (
Head of Department (Physical Education and CCA)
Darren Ng (
Department Staff
Ms Nurul Atiqah Bte Rosli (
Mr Sekaran S/O Chinna Govanden (
Mr Toh Boon Hui (
PE Curriculum / Programmes
Sports and Games
Learning Outcomes
To develop physically fit students
who are knowledgeable about games, and appreciates the concepts of fair
play and good sportsmanship.All students will acquire a minimum of 7 game
skills at the end of Secondary 4 or 5, with knowledge of at least 1 territorial,
net-barrier and striking-fielding game.
Secondary 1 |
Secondary 2 |
Secondary 3 |
Secondary 4 |
Secondary 5 |
Netball |
Hockey (Level 2) |
Floorball |
Softball |
Basketball |
Hockey (Level 1) |
Badminton |
Volleyball |
Football |
Frisbee |
Physical Health & Fitness
Learning Outcomes
To augment the development of the
students’ mature performance by providing them with the skills and knowledge
in the content areas of health and fitness management, healthy eating and
weight management, and personal safety in physical activities. Students
will see the relevance of what they learn and make connections with the
physical activities that they participate in.
Outdoor Education
Learning Outcomes
Outdoor Education at the Secondary
Level builds upon the knowledge, skills and attitudes that were acquired
at the primary level to explore the natural and urban environments safely
and responsibly. The learning experiences are set in the authentic contexts
of a residential camp in the lower secondary level and an expedition-based
camp by Secondary 3. Students will learn how to prepare for these contexts,
move through the respective environments with others confidently and safely
while ensuring that your basic needs are met. Moreover, you develop a multitude
of outdoor knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable you to enjoy the
camping experiences with your peers.
Outdoor Education provides opportunities for theoretical concepts such
as risk management to be enacted in authentic outdoor settings. It focuses
on three strands, namely:
a) Enhancing physical health and wellbeing;
b) Building competency in assessing and managing risk; and
c) Developing a sense of place.
Secondary 1 |
Secondary 2 |
Secondary 3 |
1. Basic CPR / AED Skills
1. Knots and Lashes
1. Packing a Backpack for an Overnight Expedition
CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent Outdoor Education Curriculum

Learning for Life (LLP) Programme
Habits for Life (HFL) Programme (Every Friday)
Fit for Life (Exposure to New Sports)
Active for Life (Health Promotion Board (HPB) Programme – K Cardio Dance, K Pop Dance, Kickboxing, Zumba, etc)
Outdoor Experiential Learning
Introduction to Kayaking Programme (Secondary 1 Cohort)
Education for Life (EFL) Camp at Kota Tinggi (Secondary 2 Cohort)
Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) (Secondary 3 Cohort)
Rules and Code of Conduct for PE Lessons
All students MUST be attired in the Theresian PE/ House T-shirt and Theresian PE shorts. For the first time a student fails to be properly attired, a warning will be given. Subsequently, she will be required to acquire the correct attire. Students are not allowed to borrow PE attire from the General Office.
Students are allowed to report to school in only PE attire or House T-shirts with pinafore on days with PE lesson only. Orientation shirt with pinafore isstrictly not allowed.
Any student who is unable to attend PE lesson will need to produce a Medical Certificate (MC)and submit it to her PE teacher.
Any student who is feeling unwell and is unable to produce a MC, aparent’s letter must be produced.
Any student who has been excused from PE will join the lesson as an observer.
Studentsmust change and report for PE even in the event of bad weather.
Students are to report for PE lesson within 7 minutesfrom the bell.
Attendance will be taken at every lesson. Student who is constantly “ill” or stay away from PE lessons without any valid reason will face disciplinary action. Parents will be informed.
All students are to keep their valuables with their PE teachers before the start of every lesson. The school will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of personal items should anyone decides not to keep their valuables with their PE teachers.
Students arenot allowed to buy drinks from the canteen vendors or vending machine unless their PE teacher permit them to do so. Students must bring their water bottles and fill them up at the water coolers. Direct drinking from the water coolers is prohibited due to personal hygiene.
Students must wear their pinafore over their PE attire immediately after their PE lesson.
Studentmust report any accident or injury which takes place during PE lesson to their PE teacher. Do not make your way to the General Office without informing your PE teacher. Any form of first-aid will be administered by the PE teacher.
Students are to treat all PE equipment with care. They will be responsible for any damage or loss of equipment.
Students are todisplay a positive learning attitude towards their PE lesson. They should cooperate and participate actively.
Students should also display theOlympic values of excellence, friendship, respect, sportsmanship and fair-play, amongst other universal values during PE lesson.
Studentsmust inform their PE teachers if they are unwell before the start, during or after the lesson.
Student feeling unwell during the PE lesson can use a‘time out’ to inform PE teacher.
Do not forceyourself to play if you are unwell even if your friends ask you to.
Useful Links
House System
Theresian Sports Leaders
Information about Exercise and Sports Science (ESS)